The Power of Persistence

The Power of Persistence

Staying the Course with PR Yields Breakthrough News Coverage in a Top 5 Media Market

Staying the Course with PR Yields Breakthrough News Coverage in a Top 5 Media Market

An independent outpatient imaging provider in a major metropolitan area understood the value of public relations. But before engaging Marketing Works, their outreach had consisted of sporadic, hit-or-miss efforts—with limited results.

Client Challenge

Based in the outer suburbs of one of the Top 5 media designated market areas (DMAs), an independent radiology practice had been unsuccessful in garnering TV news coverage in the metropolitan region, despite having physicians on staff with expertise comparable to those at large institutions in the central city who were sought after for on-air appearances.

Our Approach

Insight. Marketing Works helped the client understand that successful media relations takes a long-term commitment, with consistent efforts to keep their physicians top-of-mind among journalists as authoritative subject matter experts.

Solution. Marketing Works began periodically deploying press releases for the client and conducting follow-up communications to build relationships with key media contacts. An important focus was to showcase the world-class credentials of the client’s distinguished subspecialty physicians. Many of the press releases did not generate immediate coverage, but a disciplined schedule of regular outreach kept them visible, setting the stage to have journalists call when relevant news broke.


When a major new medical study questioning the value of annual mammograms was released, the producer of the market’s most popular morning news/talk show needed to quickly secure an expert guest to provide commentary. She contacted Marketing Works to inquire about the availability a staff physician that we had frequently pitched as a highly articulate expert on breast imaging and the importance of mammograms. Our client’s physician was booked for a five-minute interview segment. Based on the criterion of paid-media equivalency alone, Marketing Works estimated the value of this exposure to exceed $30,000.

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