

How BrandCulture Can Create the Right Experience to Retain Patients and Employees

How BrandCulture Can Create the Right Experience to Retain Patients and Employees

It turns out that “experience” – and the culture that drives experience – isn’t just important to your patients. One survey found that that 77% of job seekers look at a company’s culture before deciding whether to apply for job openings, with 56% saying that culture was more important to them than salary.

Enhancing your BrandCulture can help simultaneously address two of the biggest challenges facing healthcare practices today: attracting top employees and building patient loyalty.

What is BrandCulture?

External elements of a brand are what those on the outside see before they actually experience it — familiar elements like logo, typeface, or color palette. Building a BrandCulture applies intentionality to the experiential side – creating a branded experience.

It works to create experiences that succeed consistently in making positive impressions, achieving differentiation and loyalty. An experience will be branded whether you plan it or not. The question is:

  • Will the experience leave a positive or negative impression?
  • Will the experience build customer loyalty?
  • Will the experience powerfully differentiate your practice from competitors who, objectively speaking, may be providing the same commoditized services?

Building a BrandCulture

Your culture says: “This is who we are and this is what we stand for.” Developing these core values and a shared purpose are essential to driving the right BrandCulture. Doing so …

  • Focuses more on an organization’s timeless WHY, rather than its WHAT or HOW, creating a larger sense of stability in a changing environment.
  • Gives your team a timeless “reason for being” that focuses thought, energy, and behavior in positive and inspiring ways.
  • Communicates not what an organization “does to or for” customers, but what it does with customers.

BrandCulture Playbook

Fill out the form below to request a copy of MW Healthcare’s BrandCulture Playbook that will help you take the first steps toward building a powerful BrandCulture, including:

  • Steps to creating your core values and shared purpose
  • Sample Experience Chain that helps ensure your BrandCulture will be felt at every patient interaction

BrandCulture Playbook Request